HBW’s history begins with the vision of Dr. Maryemma Graham--Founder
and Director. Founded at the University of Mississippi in 1983, the project
began as a conscious effort to recover the literary works of black writers as
far and wide as possible. Since then it has expanded to a center that is
dedicated to textual scholarship, book history, professional development, and
public literacy programming. Keeping in the tradition of professional
development, HBW hosted its 7th NEH Institute- “Don’t Deny My Voice: Reading
and Teaching African-American Poetries” this summer at the University of
In an effort to highlight some of the key moments in HBW’s 30 year
history, the Look-Back Video- Series will show-case voices ranging from Michael
Eric Dyson to that of my “intellectual
father,” Jerry W. Ward Jr. These voices
are both past and present; sophist and sage; prophetic and prolific. In all,
each video tries to capture and promote the vision of HBW and Dr. Graham while
expanding our notions of black artistic and expressive culture.
Join me as we celebrate the accomplishments and achievements of both
Kenton Rambsy and the Project on the History of Black Writing. I look forward
to an exciting year as we write, critique, and explore dimensions of African American
Literature and Culture. Feel free to submit blog post, post comments, or offer
new suggestions. Once again, the show goes on.
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